Qualifications & Certs
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
EMDRIA Certified Therapist
EMDRIA Approved Consultant
UPDATED: Fun or Maybe Just Funny
It isn’t possible for me to take myself too seriously…like, ever.
Most of my communication is based on comedy…if it’s funny it’s more than likely truth.
Controlling my facial expressions at times, apparently is a problem for others…
I STILL do not like wearing shoes.
Favorite things...magic, laughing, dancing, music, long drives, hiking, a good campfire, books, coffee, plants, rocks, elements, oils, CBS Sunday Morning, documentaries, comedy!!, rom-coms, creating new things, cozy sweaters...Everything NATURE, especially the sun!!
I do NOT stress clean anymore....it's weird, I know!
Balance is difficult for me…I tend to be all in or completely out…also balance…my dad used to call me Grace ;)
I do not hate anyone or anything.
I know deep within my being that the only “failure” in life is not showing up for whatever “it” is that you really wanted. Period.
I see potential…this intimidates some…maybe just those that do not want to see their own.
There is a reason and a season for everything. Period.
I am no longer am able to feel any negative emotion for more than a few minutes…it’s weird, I know! And I am not complaining!
I carry a deep knowing that EVERYTHING is exactly as it is meant to be…for now. EVERYTHING is ok in this moment.
Also, a knowing that EVERY MOMENT MATTERS.
So…you can about guess how conversation with me will go…
Eventually all the cliches come true for you!
There is a new being emerging so this list will probably change again.